[Tigers] Tiger Autocross Video

Sandy Ganz sganz at pacbell.net
Wed Jul 23 17:22:48 MDT 2008

Great Video! The car sounds and drives great. How did you end up doing?
----- Original Message ----
From: Mike Hokanson <hokey at oasisol.com>
tigers at autox.team.net
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 11:05:47 AM
[Tigers] Tiger Autocross Video

I just returned from spending a few weeks up
in Idaho with my Dad during
vacation.  While I was there, we took the Tiger
over to Deer Park, just north
of Spokane, Washington to a two-day autocross on
an old airport runway.  We
swapped tires over to the Hoosier A6's and made a
few quick alignment changes
just prior to the event.  During the two-day
event, Dad and I made 26 runs on
the car.  During lunch on Sunday, a kid that
drives a Mazda Miata that had a
helmet-cam mounted on his helmet asked me if I
would make a few runs with the
video camera.  So my last three runs on Sunday
were taped and he has posted
the video on YouTube.  He provided me the link
and I have included here for
the list to see.

Mike Hokanson
Fallon, Nevada
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sganz at pacbell.net

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