[Tigers] shift knob

CoolVT at aol.com CoolVT at aol.com
Sun Jul 20 12:31:49 MDT 2008

"Mine has a jam nut below the chrome piece, which seems to be  intended to be 
the bottom part of the knob itself probably to avoid too much  pressure on 
the plastic knob. No special tool, just an end wrench to snug  the jam nut 
against the bottom of the knob/chrome ring."

Jamming the chrome piece with  a nut will secure  the chrome piece, but the 
knob will then still be free to turn. The chrome piece  is also threaded and 
somehow would have to be jammed against the knob.  I  think in some aftermarket 
knobs the chrome piece and the knob are one. In that  case using a nut would 
jam as needed. I've also seen knobs where the separate  chrome piece has flats 
on 2 sides for a wrench. The knob in question, and I  think the stock Tiger 
knob, have 2 tiny holes in the bottom of the chrome  piece.  

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