[Tigers] "Self-Adjusting" rear brakes

Randy Smith RSSmithIQ at cs.com
Wed Jul 16 06:07:16 MDT 2008

Last week I posted a question about my apparently "self-adjusting rear 
brakes" .  Actually, I was joking about the self-adjusters as my car is 
a Mk-1A which has manual adjusters.  Thanks to everyone who responded, 
as the variety of responses helped me zero in on the problem.  As Ron 
Fraser so astutely observed, it would be strange for the adjusters to 
vibrate in the "tightening" direction, so I immediately suspected that 
was not the problem.  A few folks mentioned a possible sticking booster, 
but mine was recently rebuilt and my front brakes were not sticking, so 
I figured that was not it either.  As it turns out, Jeffrey Nichols 
nailed the problem.  When I rebuilt all of the brakes, I replaced pretty 
much everything except a couple of the hard lines and one flex line.  
The one from the car to the rear axle.  That flex line was very old 
(likely original) and looked perfectly good on the outside.  However, 
inside, the rubber had broken down and swelled shut.  The brake system 
was forceful enough to push fluid to the rear brake cylinders, but it 
could not flow back after the brakes were released.  I put on a new line 
and that did it!  Thanks Jeff.  I figured the end result might be 
informative for others.

Thanks- Randy


Randy Smith
34752 Charles Town Pike
Purcellville, VA  20132
540-668-6253 fax

InnerQuestOnline.com <http://www.innerquestonline.com/>
RSSmithIQ at cs.com
Tiger- B382000189

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