[Tigers] "Self-Adjusting" rear brakes

Randy Smith RSSmithIQ at cs.com
Wed Jul 9 21:01:45 MDT 2008

OK, does anyone out there have stock rear brakes and experienced having 
the adjusters tighten themselves as you drive?  If I drive 20 miles, my 
rear brakes start to drag.  I back off the adjusters and I'm good for 
another 20 miles, but the same thing keeps happening?????  Anyone else 
ever have that happen?  I pulled off the drums and everything appears 
normal.  Adjusters do move easily (without threads binding), but have 
the square tapers so they don't screw in without that typical resistance 
every 1/4 turn.  Any experience with this?

Thanks- Randy

Randy Smith
34752 Charles Town Pike
Purcellville, VA  20132
540-668-6253 fax

InnerQuestOnline.com <http://www.innerquestonline.com/>
RSSmithIQ at cs.com
Tiger- B382000189

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