[Tigers] Free 260CID long block

Frank P. Marrone itswonderful at comcast.net
Sun Jul 6 20:08:00 MDT 2008

OK, I know this is a long shot but I have a 260 CID long block free to
anyone who is willing to come and get it.  I removed this from a Sunbeam
Tiger about 15 years ago.  This includes 2BBL intake, front cover, valve
covers, exhaust manifolds (not the correct Tiger ones) and oil pan (not
correct for Tiger).  As far as I know the only Tiger specific item left on
this assembly are the chrome valve covers with the Rootes engine stickers.
These are in poor shape.  This engine ran in '93 although is smoked badly.

No shipping or long time storage.  I might be willing to deliver in Sonoma
County CA. only.  I figured this was worth a shot before I take it to the
scrap yard.

Frank in Cloverdale, CA.

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