[Tigers] russo steele tiger listing

Duke Samouce wsamouce at kc.rr.com
Sun Jul 6 17:42:42 MDT 2008

Thanks Theo,

I fully intend on going with modern sticky rubber when these relic TA
Radials wear out.  The rear tire are too wide anyway.  I mention that they
were not available too further my point that this car has been in
"restoration" for a long time.

I also checked the JAP wheels and could only find "Made in England" cast on
the inside.  No "Magn" could be found on the one wheel on pulled.


-----Original Message-----
From: Theo Smit [mailto:tsmit at shaw.ca] 
Sent: Sunday, July 06, 2008 8:29 PM
To: michael king
Cc: Duke Samouce; Tigers
Subject: Re: [Tigers] russo steele tiger listing

michael king wrote:
> On 06/07/2008, Duke Samouce <wsamouce at kc.rr.com> wrote:
>>  I have also found out that the 13" BF Goodrich TA
>> Radials on the car are no longer made in any size.
> Will try and remember which mag it was in, but was a classic mag from the
> last 2 months.. there are specialist tyre suppliers who have new  BF
> Goodrich TA Radials with the white letters and all.. the add was saying
> you could finally again get this iconic muscle car tyre.... i noticed the
> speed rating was not very high though.
BFG TA Radials are a bling tire, and they always were. On the other 
hand, you can buy true performance tires by Toyo, Yokohama, and others, 
in useful 13"
sizes. Get some of those and just make sure you wear them out before the 
good stuff evaporates out of the rubber. If you consider that Tigers 
appear to be worth at least 30k in the marketplace these days, it's 
worthwhile to invest in quality tires that may keep you out of a tough 
spot by virtue of their traction.


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