[Tigers] Tigers United 31 videos

MWood24020 at aol.com MWood24020 at aol.com
Sat Jul 5 18:20:09 MDT 2008

cool to see some familiar cars out on course...but, did you guys have a  drag 
race with turnarounds or an autocross? ;-)
Thanks for posting the video, Steve.
In a message dated 7/5/2008 3:50:33 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
sralsten at ca.rr.com writes:

Hello  all...

Enjoyed my first Tiger event greatly. Everyone I met was quite  willing to 
share information with me.
and I leaned a great deal. I came  away from the weekend feeling like I had 
found a group of people
I  belong with. I may be a Tiger owner as soon as Monday.

I used my little  Cannon still camera a great deal and for the first time 
used it to record  movie clips.
I just opened an account with youtube and uploaded the one  movie I made 
outside the hotel as well
as the 12 partial autocross runs  I recorded. Didn't really know who the car 
owners were or the  drivers.
If you recognize someone, or yourself let me know and I'll change  the movie 
title appropriately.

Go to youtube and search for Tigers  United 31. You should find the 12 movies 
named Autocross 1-12
and the  single movie named hotel. Some great sounding cars were running past 

Steve  Ralsten
You are subscribed as  mwood24020 at aol.com

Tigers at autox.team.net


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