[Tigers] A quick Front BUmper Question

Tony Somebody achd73 at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 3 19:43:37 MDT 2008

Mayf- I think those slots are there to be able to adjust the bumper as close to level as possible--one might be closer to the top of the slot than the oppisite side. Seems some engines set at different points( fore and aft) from the factory and perhaps the frame rails where'nt always square to each other or on the saem elevation. The gentelman who just mentioned selling his one owner orginal might have the best response to your question, meanwhile I will look at a Mk1 and a S3 and S4 and S5 to see what they show but who knows about the damage covered up by PO's. The S4 I believe to be untouched but can you really compare the two. Good luck.

--- On Thu, 7/3/08, drmayf <drmayf at mayfco.com> wrote:

> From: drmayf <drmayf at mayfco.com>
> Subject: [Tigers] A quick Front BUmper Question
> To: "tigers at autox.team.net" <tigers at autox.team.net>
> Date: Thursday, July 3, 2008, 4:50 PM
> Slowly getting my Tiger back together after the very
> protracted paint
> operation. In fact, I still do not have the hard top back.
> All went into
> the shop in January,lol... But I do have the car back and I
> am putting
> bits and pieces back on. I have the rear bumper on and now
> an ready to
> put the front one on. But, I see that the brackets are
> sensitive to
> location. Do the slotted holes go down or up?  Slots closer
> to the
> ground or farther away..
> mayf. way off and very far out in a molten lead kinda
> ambient
> temperature today...
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