[Tigers] Works Tigers 1964-1966
Chris Thompson
chris at cthompson.net
Thu Jan 10 07:51:25 MST 2008
Just got this from Dave:
Unfortunately I think the bulk order left the UK yesterday. As a member
of STOC (the English Tiger club) I had volunteered to assist them in
handling the pre-orders from the USA that they had received up to that
point. STOC had advertised the book in their publication Cats Whiskers
and on their website for the last year and asked folks to contact them
to pre-order the book.
By handling the pre-orders through a bulk mailing process to the
USA we were able to get the cost of the book down to around $100
including postage and insurance. Graham Vickery in STOC has contacted
all the Tiger clubs in the USA like CAT, STOA, Tigers East etc. about
each of them setting up a bulk order process for their respective
members similar to the one we set up for the pre-orders. However, to my
knowledge none of the clubs have yet advertised that process in their
monthly publications. Of course anyone who wants the book sooner can
always order it directly from the publisher "Peter Shimmell"
<mercman at lineone.net>. Because of the weight of the book individual
orders to USA customers I think will cost around $50 for shipping which
makes the total cost of the book around $130 or more including postage
and insurance.
At this point in time there is no USA commercial book
distributor or Tiger parts vendor selling the book. If anything changes
either the publisher or STOC will let us all know. In the mean time
please do not contact me directly to order the book since the bulk
pre-order shipment has already left England. If folks are patient I
think each of the USA clubs will set up their ordering process. Thanks
Dave McDermott
Mountjoy wrote:
> All,
> As we speak Dave McDermott is finalizing a group shipment of Graham Roode's
> book (that means the shipping cost less than if a single book is ordered and
> shipped). The shipment will go out in a day or two. If you are interested
> contact Dave directly. Realize the book isn't cheap at ~#40 plus shipping to
> Dave in Denver plus his shipping to you. Below is a letter from the publisher
> to Dave, et.al. Email Dave pronto if you are serious about wanting one of
> these books at mcdermd at stripe.colorado.edu Please, no tire kickers for Dave.
> BTW Dave isn't buying on spec so there won't be extras. He's just another one
> of the good guys in our community.
> (Hope I'm not in trouble with Dave for this. Hey D. I owe you one)
> Just the messenger.
> Darrell
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