[Tigers] Lower Radiator Hose Spring

Curt choffman9 at cinci.rr.com
Tue Feb 26 15:43:11 MST 2008

I always marvel at the ingenuity of some folks in finding alternative parts 
to make something work. How in the world did you think of this?


> These springs are available directly from Rainbird.  I ordered the  part
> containing the spring from them.just to see if it is possible. The part 
> number is
> 202415, it costs $12.40.  You get more than you need,  because the part
> included the housing, guide sleeve and friction collars.   Once the spring 
> is
> removed, it fits in the lower hose perfectly, just like it  was made for 
> it.  With
> shipping, the cost comes to just about what the  whole sprinkler cost at 
> your
> local hardware store.

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