[Tigers] One Hard-Knock Tip and One Request

dhhall at bellsouth.net dhhall at bellsouth.net
Sun Feb 17 16:18:57 MST 2008

I put out this same request a year ago.  The consensus was to use Red Kote, a brand usually used by radiator shops.  There was uniform consensus to NOT use the Eastwood product.  Personally, I don't like the outer coating that Gas Tank Renu uses.  Plus, if you are doing multiple tanks, it saves a lot of money to do it yourself.  You can also easily do the crossover tubes.  I got a gallon of Red Kote for less than $100 sent to my house from O'Reilly Auto Parts. Can't understand why they would need to cut a hole to use their product.  David
-------------- Original message from "Rense, Mark (GE Indust, ConsInd)" <mark.rense at ge.com>: -------------- 

> I pulled the tanks out of B382000991 last night in preparation to have 
> them sealed. While not a difficult job, there is an art to getting them 
> out of the fender well recesses without scratching the hell out of them. 
> Anyway, I noticed a significant amount of liquid pooled in the low part 
> of the trunk floor under each tank directly behind each wheel well. I 
> thought it was just gas run-off from the bottoms of the tanks, but it 
> turned out that there was some water mixed in as well. The car has not 
> seen water since it was washed and put away for the winter in January. 
> Don't know how it got in there, but will investigate further. I saw that 
> there was a drain grommet at the bottom of each well, and after cleaning 
> them out with an ice pick, all the fluid dribbled out. Hence, the 
> hard-knock tip of the day: 
> Be sure all your body drain points are periodically cleaned, you never 
> know when you may spring a leak, water or gas. 
> Now for the request: 
> Has anyone on the list used the Gas Tank Renu process on their tanks? 
> http://www.gastankrenu.com 
> Seems like a good product but both the local franchise owners told me 
> they will need to cut a hole in each tank to get access. Also, I did not 
> get a warm feeling about their ability to coat the cross-over tubes. 
> These tanks were incorrectly coated many years ago and need to be 
> stripped completely. I've used the Creem system on motorbike tanks but 
> since I need the tanks boiled out anyway I am starting from scratch. 
> Any recommendations?? 
> Thanks, 
> Bugz 
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