[Tigers] (no subject)

Tony Somebody achd73 at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 15 17:45:46 MST 2008

Peter McDonald was kind enough to dig thru old
receipts from as far back as 1972- that was befor I
owned my first Tiger- dam are we all getting old or
what- DONT answer that question.

Anyone with a parts book and or the conctact info for
the parts guys in the UK that cna help, my
appreciation is note now. Im trying to find longer lug
bolts- Peter had this part number (Part# is 1216831)
and was for another Rootes product besides
Alpine/Tigers. I have no idea if these lug bolts can
be tracked down but it means drilling out the hub to
install any I have found as the splined part in much
larger in diameter than th3 stock 7/16x20. My
machinest says by the time he makes them the same
diameter as the stock lugs there wil be no spline left
on the bolts Ive already bought. Thanks again for any
imput. regards, TonytheTiger

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