[Tigers] 347 stroker with overdrive

Cullen McCann cmccann at lwpb.com
Thu Feb 14 10:21:13 MST 2008

I have some experience with domestic V8's not running vacuum
advance...and ive not personally found it to be an inconvenience. Quite
often, if it's a higher compression motor, you might need a heavier duty
starter to turn it over...but as far as driving around town, it has a
bit more performance and seems to start and drive reliably...but then
again that's a Chevrolet, but it is a stroked 400 inch block, about 450
horse...so we're not really comparing apples to apples....


66 Tiger B382001452LRFOE

Subject: Re: [Tigers] 347 stroker with overdrive

The builder has said that they've had too many warranty problems
from defective vacuum advance.  Therefore they will not warranty
anything that
uses it.
If the thing is pretty much not street drivable and won't get  any kind
gas mileage, maybe it's not the one for  me.

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