[Tigers] Replacing the lug bolts

Owain Lloyd owain.lloyd at gmail.com
Tue Feb 12 03:14:47 MST 2008

The other option is that you keep them and bolt on some wheel spacers
that have there own studs.  I paid about 80 bucks for my 1" spacers.
I can send you the link if you're interested

On 2/12/08, James E. Pickard <geowiz.sgy at cox.net> wrote:
> Is it even necessary to remove the rear hubs to replace the lug bolts?  If I
> unbolt the plate that houses the brakes, will I have enough room to replace
> the lug bolts?
> Jim Pickard
> B9473298 ('65 Tiger)
> AN5L/12109 ('59 Sprite)
> 2003 Mini Cooper
> Lafayette, LA
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