[Tigers] vibrating shifter

Mike Michels mmichels at socal.rr.com
Fri Feb 8 23:54:01 MST 2008

I think Owain was describing an annoyance that my car has and to clarify: 
this is a buzz in the shift linkage that is definitely engine RPM related. 
Running up through the gears revving the engine in neutral or cruising at 
high RPM (all cruising is high RPM with a four speed!) the shifter makes a 
sizzling buzz. Resting the hand on the shifter makes it go away.

The responses so far seem to gravitate to a drivetrain imbalance issue. 
However, my experience is that driveshaft/u-joint/trunion problems would be 
vehicle speed, not engine speed sensitive. Problems with the 
clutch/flywheel/pilot bearing being out of balance would certainly be more 
likely related, but in my case, I have a brand new clutch and I'm pretty 
confident it's in good shape.

I would think this would be more a matter of the shift linkage joints/clevis 
pins being worn and loose, or perhaps the internal linkage of the "T" handle 
reverse lockout rattling inside the tubular shift lever, or something along 
those lines.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Owain Lloyd" <owain.lloyd at gmail.com>
To: "tiger list" <tigers at autox.team.net>
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2008 9:30 AM
Subject: [Tigers] vibrating shifter

> i've noticed that the high rpm rattle from my shifter is getting
> worse.  its particularly irksome now that my front end is in better
> shape and i can actually drive fast.  at 4000 rpm the rattle
> approaches a deafening level so i think its high time i deal with the
> issue.  luckily there is a dead spot where the resonance seems to calm
> down at 81-82mph but i can't drive everywhere at 81mph :)
> given that the vibration is damped if i hold tight or pull up on the
> shifter i'm thinking i just need to rebuild the shift linkage.
> any tips on how to do this or a place that sells new parts, kits?    i
> had a look at toploaderheaven but i'm not sure the best route to take.
> as always any experience or opinions most welcome....
> - owain.
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