[Tigers] Seat Bottom Fun

jimboynton at comcast.net jimboynton at comcast.net
Sun Feb 3 10:48:49 MST 2008

When I did mine I heated the diaphragm carefully, placed the hooks on one side into the set frame and than placed a piece of strong wire in the other hooks and with a visegrip pulled the hooks into the seat frame....cut the wire after and it worked great. 

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Steve Sage <fastsage at cox.net>
> I got a new rubber seat bottom diaphragm from Sunbeam Specialties as the 
> metal clips had ripped through the tabs on one side on the old one (if 
> that makes sense). It gave me a sagging feeling sitting in the car, like 
> I was leaning to the left, even though I'm a Republican.
> Getting the old diaphragm out will be easy...just cutting it with an 
> exacto knife, but how do I get the new one back on? There is not a lot 
> of stretch to that rubber material and I don't want to risk ripping it 
> during the re-installation, plus, what could I use to apply leverage to 
> stretch it?
> Thanks for any ideas!
> Steve Sage
> 1966 MK1A
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