[Tigers] remote thermometers

Tony Somebody achd73 at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 31 08:36:50 MDT 2008

Tom- I hate HF junk BUT if I lived where you do and could buy the tools you have at the prices youve mentioned- well I would think of myself as being prudent while having a few of the tools they sell that arent as bad as the majority and be elated at the bargains I or my son had found. Keep buying the bargains and the decent tools, if I lived near you we would be there together.
Happt LDW.

--- On Sun, 8/31/08, Thomas Witt <atwittsend at verizon.net> wrote:

> From: Thomas Witt <atwittsend at verizon.net>
> Subject: Re: [Tigers] remote thermometers
> To: tigers at autox.team.net
> Date: Sunday, August 31, 2008, 1:18 AM
> >>>>Bugz, who's secretly paranoid that
> Harbor Freight is really a Commie
> plot to make Americans into skinned-knuckled,
> bolt-rounding, incompetent
> mechanics through the use of crappy
> tools!<<<<<
> In part I can agree. However, there are times when I need a
> tool I'll use 
> once maybe twice in a lifetime. Paying less than half the
> cost of an 
> American made product seems prudent.  Then there is the
> fact that I live 10 
> miles from the HF warehouse.  They have close-out sales a
> few times a year. 
> It sure is hard to pass up a refurbished (like new) 60
> gallon compressor for 
> $80 (about $500 for their regular price).  Then there is
> the small lathe 
> that was $450 new and my son spied it out in a pile and
> secured it for $100. 
> $5 angle grinders, $10 hammer drills, etc., etc., etc..
>   So, yea, some of their stuff is total crap and other
> decent for the money. 
> If I was using the stuff on a daily basis I would probably
> buy better. I 
> opted for a Lincoln MIG welder and a Milwaukee Sawzall over
> HF products.
> Tom
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