[Tigers] remote thermometers

Rense, Mark (GE Indust, ConsInd) mark.rense at ge.com
Fri Aug 29 08:12:59 MDT 2008

When it comes to portable IR instrumentation, there is only one brand:
Fluke. Their entry level Model 62 is far superior to the Chinese
knock-offs from HF and not much more dinero.


Another idea: if you have a decent multimeter (VOM to us old fogies) buy
a contact thermocouple. They're less than $20.

Bugz, who's secretly paranoid that Harbor Freight is really a Commie
plot to make Americans into skinned-knuckled, bolt-rounding, incompetent
mechanics through the use of crappy tools!


-----Original Message-----
From: Rollright at aol.com
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 5:09 PM
To: tigers at autox.team.net
Subject: [Tigers] remote thermometers


Which should I buy to check out the Tiger's heat problems. (hint: all
else equal, cheaper is better)

Harbor Freight items

ITEM 93984-5VGA         19.95

ITEM  96451-1VGA           39.95

Jim  Armstrong
Mk 1A 382002083

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