[Tigers] How hot is hot ?

Chris Thompson chris at cthompson.net
Fri Aug 29 08:13:56 MDT 2008

I've also heard many times that our engines *like* 210 degrees.  That's 
about where I run, and it's never bothered me.

But I've never heard about temp negatively impacting HP, although I 
guess it makes sense.  Anybody have more data on that?

Not Tiger-related, but I've been battling overheating in my Lotus 
Formula Ford ever since I got it about 3 years ago.  On a 90 degree day, 
I often will run up to 230 or 240 degrees.  I would love to blame not 
getting the podium on my overheating problems ;-)


> I've also read a research paper (although some time ago and I've forgotten the
> reference)  that said that the ideal operating temperature for longevity for
> Ford small blocks was  210 degrees.  Although not so good  for horsepower, it
> does maximize the oil film and distribution...  perhaps one of the more
> engineering connected Tiger folks out there remembers more about this study.

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