[Tigers] How hot is hot ?

Tod Brown todbrown at roadrunner.com
Thu Aug 28 19:47:32 MDT 2008

   You  can  also  get an IR thermometer at Radio Shack.  Not sure what a
   laser thermometer is.
   If  you  use  mostly  water in the cooling system, make sure you add a
   rust  inhibitor  and a lubricant for the water pump.  I think Prestone
   and others makes such an additive.  Not too familiar with this problem
   here in Maine.
   The  problem,  as  I  understand it, with the shroud and the open area
   below the radiator in the engine compartment is that, when stationary,
   it  allows  warm air which has passed through the radiator to exit and
   be  sucked  back through the radiator again.  Obviously, you want cool
   air from outside to pass through the radiator, not warm air.  Blocking
   the  pathway  that  allows  the  warm  air to recirculate improves the
   situation.   Once  the  car  starts  moving,  the  circulation problem
   disappears,  which  is  why  most Tigers with well-functioning cooling
   systems do not have a problem at speed.
   Tigers are not metric.  Be happy they are not Whitworth, either.
   B19KC Old Ford Blue

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