[Tigers] Front end alignment

Owain Lloyd owain.lloyd at gmail.com
Thu Aug 28 16:04:21 MDT 2008

After spending 12 hours in an alignment shop with a spotty 20 year old
cursing my car I decided to do it myself.  Takes time but you get good

On 8/28/08, Harry B. Elam <harryb at elams.org> wrote:
> I have replaced the worrisome lower "A" arm supports with new ones from
> Doug Jennings. The old ones seems OK but after 200K miles, it seemed
> prudent. I have had the suspension supports required by our "Shop
> Manual" produced in steel up front and wood aft, as suggested. Then I
> had the front suspension aligned exactly as our manual suggested. The
> mechanic reported that it was difficult to get everything within
> "specs."   The car drives great and I am pleased but I wonder what
> everyone else is doing. Suggestions appreciated. BTW- the alignment
> pieces are available for loan if someone wants to try my process.
> Harry Elam
> B382000471
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