[Tigers] Tigers and lack of discussion (Mustang II'S)
Frank P. Marrone
itswonderful at comcast.net
Wed Aug 27 15:14:37 MDT 2008
I think the idea was to reduce a target component of emissions. NOx I think
but I'm not looking it up. For a few years in California you had to install
a NOx 'kit" in certain vehicles. These all reduced ignition timing under
various conditions. The cheapest one I ever saw consisted of plugs for the
vacuum advance hose and a sticker for the speedometer that cautioned against
driving over 55 MPH (or something like that). Back then the HC limits were
pretty loose. There was definitely a trade off made to reduce certain
pollutants while allowing some others to increase.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tigers-bounces+itswonderful=comcast.net at autox.team.net
> [mailto:tigers-bounces+itswonderful=comcast.net at autox.team.net] On Behalf
> Of CoolVT at aol.com
> Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2008 12:25 PM
> To: mark.rense at ge.com; tigers at autox.team.net
> Subject: Re: [Tigers] Tigers and lack of discussion (Mustang II'S)
> Many of the early 70 General Motors cars helped meet the new emission
> standards by not allowing vacuum advance in the first 2 gears (3 speed
> standard).
> They has a solenoid in the vacuum line that only opened when you shifted
> into
> 3 rd gear. Also on the 6 cyl. that I was familiar with they had changed
> the
> timing from 8 before to 2 degrees.
> Well, a piece of rubber hose to by pass the solenoid and a change of the
> timing back to the old setting and the 'in town" mileage went from 10 mpg
> to 16.
> I could never figure out the science behind that technical madness. How
> could there be less pollution if someone was using 50% more gas;-)
> Thankfully
> they have overcome the problems. We now have pretty darn good gas
> mileage
> and create very little pollution.
> mark
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