[Tigers] How hot is hot ?

Steve Laifman SLaifman at SoCal.rr.com
Wed Aug 27 13:49:12 MDT 2008

Steve R.,

Temperature is definitely a concern when you are "p-ssing" green on your 
friend's driveway. :-(

Or your engine seizes.

Check Out "Cool It, Buddy! 
on TigersUnited.com for a California 105 F uphill solution.


Steve Laifman
Editor - TigersUnited.com

Steve Ralsten wrote:
> Got my new baby delivered by truck this afternoon and took her for a warm 
> evening
> So Cal drive. On the hiway temp gauge indicated 180 or so but going two 
> blocks at a time red light
> to red light to red light she was a bit over 200, maybe 210. External temp 
> was about 92.
> Car has a stock radiator and 4 blade fan. *At what point is temperature a 
> concern* ?
> Thanks
> Steve
> B9473720 

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