[Tigers] Tigers and lack of discussion (Mustang II'S)

CoolVT at aol.com CoolVT at aol.com
Wed Aug 27 13:24:55 MDT 2008

Many of the early 70 General Motors cars helped meet the new  emission 
standards by not allowing vacuum advance in the first 2 gears (3 speed  standard). 
They has a solenoid in the vacuum line that only opened when you  shifted into 
3 rd gear.  Also on the 6 cyl.  that I was familiar with  they had changed the 
timing from 8 before to 2 degrees. 
Well, a piece of rubber hose to by pass the solenoid and a change  of the 
timing back to the old setting and the 'in town" mileage went from 10 mpg  to 16. 
 I could never figure out the science behind that technical  madness.  How 
could there be less pollution if someone was using 50% more  gas;-)  Thankfully 
they have overcome the problems.  We now have  pretty darn good gas mileage 
and create very little pollution.

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