[Tigers] Hood scoop and cooling holes

jhef101 at aol.com jhef101 at aol.com
Sun Aug 24 08:01:26 MDT 2008

??????? 10 years ago when I was running mine on the Arizona portion of RT. 66 during the early summer I experimented a bit and found that cracking my hood open about 2" would drop the temperature about 15-20 deg against an ambient of around 90-95 deg. I also blocked any holes in the radiator support that could be leaking air and creating a flow problem around the radiator. My radiator then and now is a Ron Davis Racing products aluminum unit.

Jeff Hefner

-----Original Message-----
From: CoolVT at aol.com
To: tigers at autox.team.net
Sent: Sat, 23 Aug 2008 10:08 pm
Subject: [Tigers] Hood scoop and cooling holes

For some time I've wanted to experiment with different scoops and  cooling 
holes in a hood. I've never wanted to start hacking up my original hood.  Now 
I've acquired a proper square corner Alpine that I can play with and not  feel 
So, I'm thinking that there has to be something better than the LAT  hood for 
cooling.  I'm trying to remember back to some of the information  that been 
passed on about this subject. If I remember the information  correctly, the LAT 
scoop will not really bring in much fresh air because  it's at a low pressure 
area of the car.  It might help more as a means of  releasing under hood hot 
I don't know what the pressure area is where the hood meets  the cowl in 
front of the windshield, but if I leave my hood propped open about  an inch I 
don't see much difference at all in engine temperature. So it  makes me wonder 
much air is escaping.
I'd like something that doesn't look too outrageous, but still  might help in 
cooling.  My thought has been a scoop about twice as  wide at the LAT, but 
maybe a little lower....resulting in about 50% more open  area.  Also I'm 
wondering if an almost equal sized hole at the rear of the  scoop would help.  
like I remember from science class something  about the Bernoulli (sp?) 
effect.  Air coming in the front of the scoop and  passing out the rear would 
create a low pressure inside of the scoop and suck  air out of the engine 
compartment?  But, if the front of the scoop is  really a low pressure area, how 
air will really pass  through?
So, if you were starting with a clean slate and a hood that  you weren't 
worried about and still wanted something that looked sort  of period correct, 
would you design that might help in  cooling?
Mark L 

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