[Tigers] Lead Weights

William Lau mrlau at charter.net
Fri Aug 22 13:39:18 MDT 2008

13th abolishment of slavery
19th women's voting rights

You're kidding right?????  -- Bill --

   It's not 1920 any more.  Maybe there is some valid research behind the
   changes?  But, if you think that
   it  is  all a gigantic conspiracy, that doesn't matter, does it?  BTW,
   how do you feel about the 13th and
   19th Amendments?
   William Lau wrote:

This phony accusation is perpetrated by lowering the amount of lead allowed
in a human each year until a crisis is imagined. Some lead is normal in
humans.  Compare the current levels with 1920 and see where we are at. Lead
is in the ground to start with where water can leach across it forever.
Global warming --- No global cooling--- no, warming -- cooling --warming.
Whatever, just be scared because the sky is falling. Tod I would bet money
you are virulently anti second amendment also. -- Bill --

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