[Tigers] Lead Weights
arado7 at sbcglobal.net
arado7 at sbcglobal.net
Fri Aug 22 11:18:50 MDT 2008
Lead is a relatively inert substance. Bullets taken from the ground at
Gettysburg(Civil war) are still intact. This after a nominal 150 year period
of exposure to moisture, soil acids etc.... I watch with interest the
hyperbole of the green agenda.....Gary B9472283 survivor..
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tod Brown" <todbrown at roadrunner.com>
To: <tigers at autox.team.net>
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 9:09 AM
Subject: Re: [Tigers] Lead Weights
> Lead is a particularly nasty substance, once it gets into the
> environment because it is difficult to remove and
> can find its way into our bodies in numerous ways. The negative
> effects on the neurological system, including
> the brain, are long-term and irreversible. In the past, lead has
> found its way into the environment from the lead
> in gasoline, paint, dust and soil containing lead, drinking water
> (from lead pipes and solder), incinerated print
> and paper products and lead batteries, to name just a few. By one
> account, 32% of the children in LA are
> lead-poisoned. Maine and other states have passed laws to ban the use
> of lead weights for fishing due to the
> effect on bird populations (like Loons) that tend to ingest the
> weights. You can make light of the situation
> and joke around about not eating your balance weights but this is not
> really something to disregard. Brain
> damage is not funny, even if you are talking about Congress and the
> present Administration.
> Tod
> B382002384LRXFE
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