[Tigers] Vibration

Sandy Ganz sganz at pacbell.net
Thu Aug 21 20:55:58 MDT 2008

That is a question that might hold some water, but we import all our dangerous
products from Canada ;). I had read an article about Leaded gasoline a few
years back by a scientist said that the removal of lead in gasoline has not
made any differences in the levels in nature or some such statement. Not sure
how true it was, but was interesting. What about Freon 12 and the R134A
replacement, seems that didn't go to well either. Well at least we are

----- Original Message ----
From: William Lau
<mrlau at charter.net>
To: tigers at autox.team.net
Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2008
7:04:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Tigers] Vibration

I wonder why when the lead is in
the ground before they make wheel weights
out of it, it doesn't contaminate
the water.  


Just read in this morning's L.A. Times that the
environmentalists have struck again, and no one will be allowed to
balance wheel/tire with lead weights.  No Tire Company, Dealership, Tire
sellers, or sales of lead weights will be allowed.  We all know that 
lead is
poisonous if ingested (don't eat your weights) but apparently 
they  can come
off the wheel (yes) and traffic pulverizes them and rain 
will wash them into
our drinking water (???). I don't think our 
reservoirs collect street

/"Kiss a Coyote", and we will also bomb you if you do medical
on animals, or wear fur, or leather shoes, or keep your pants up

Steve Laifman
Editor - TigersUnited.com
CoolVT at aol.com wrote:

Well, I do have different sized tires front and rear. 
They  are new and 
tires are new.  Transmission and drive shaft are new.  The 
thing is, I
notice this before the I put tires on a few days ago. 
think I'll start by having the wheels rebalanced and see if that  helps 
The strange thing is, it doesn't feel like an imbalance that will  come
go at different speeds. This comes and goes at a certain  speed.  I don't
notice it at lower speeds. 
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