[Tigers] Pertronix Ignition

Larry Paulick lpaulick at comcast.net
Wed Aug 20 15:33:21 MDT 2008

This electronic tach conversion works very well, and is extremely 
accurate.  It is a one time fix, looks stock, and is an easy connection.

I have used it for the last four, or is it 6+ years with my Mallory 
distributor, and MSD6-AL.


Smit, Theo wrote:

>This is because the Pertronix, like most other points-replacement units,
>has a very long dwell time (the time the coil is being charged) compared
>to the points, and that messes up the operation of the pulse amplifier
>in the OEM tach circuit.
>Tom Hall and I sell and install a replacement electronics module. It
>installs inside your OEM tach and completely bypasses the original
>circuitry. It can be driven using the original current-sensing loop (the
>white wire that powers your Pertronix and coil) for a completely OEM
>appearance, or you can directly connect MSD, Jacobs, or other
>aftermarket ignition controllers.
>Contact me or Tom (modtiger at comcast.net) for more information.

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