[Tigers] Message from the Front (drmayf)

Steve Laifman SLaifman at SoCal.rr.com
Wed Aug 20 13:11:08 MDT 2008

Dr. Mayfield (drmayf) can't get to the Tiger List, but requested I 
forward his "Note from the Front" at Bonneville.

Our spirits are all with him, and our best wishes.

Oh yes, look out for the "other" Sunbeam of Sir Henry Seagrave 
<http://www.speedace.info/henry_segrave.htm>  ;-)


Steve Laifman
Editor - TigersUnited.com

Lawrence Mayfield wrote:
> Steve, can you forward this to the tiger and alpine lists for me?I do 
> not have an account on this computer and email...
> Well folks, a sorry performance so far. Very sorry indeed. First there 
> were more competition vehicles than every before and thousnds of 
> spectators, many with hot rods and rat rods. They come to be a part of 
> the scene I guess.
> We arrived around noon on SUnday and after seting up the pit area, put 
> the car in line for tech inspection. We moved one car in an hour and 
> there were a couple of hundred cars in line to be inspected. So we 
> pulled the car out of line and back to be inspected on Monday. That 
> was far far better and we got throught clean even allowing the removal 
> of the special spin sticker they put on the car last year after the 
> 175 mph slip slide.

> We packed the chute yesterday after tech/safety and made reeady to put 
> the car in staging today. That happened and there was only about a 4 - 
> 5 hour wait, lol... They had three courses this year so that helped 
> some. As we got near the prestage, I suited up, we put the car into 
> launch mode and I buckled in. Up to the start line, started the car 
> when told to and left when directed. Car would not accelerate at all.  
> Boost went to 10 psig but car just would not go. In fact this is 
> slower than the very first run the car ever made! And to top it all 
> off, I failed to record any engine performance data at all.  I started 
> the data logging before launching and some how the data logging got 
> turned off. So no data on performance at all. So tomorrow, pull the 
> plugs, look for melted aluminum, maybe do a leakdown test on each 
> cylinder. And then maybe make another run on the short course just to 
> get some data to look at. I also for some unknown reason have a failed 
> Air Fuel recording. My dash mounted unit is reading fine but the 
> recorded data is 11.96 no matter what, lol...
> So folks it has not been fun so far. Except for the many many new 
> Sunbeam friends who stopped by and chatted with us. We even get 
> stopped on the street,in the hotel in restaurants because they had 
> seen the Nat Geo video. 
> In any case,hopefully better info next time!
> mayf 

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