[Tigers] Rear end colors

steve wick srwick at hotmail.com
Sat Aug 16 11:23:04 MDT 2008

I've finished bead blasting the rear end and am starting to paint. The only
reason I can see they may have used glyptal is because the casting for the
center section is so rough. Maybe they wanted to seal all the pits and
so dirt wouldn't accumulate. Plus, why would they have a small hole drilled
an axle tube for a breather and not put a fitting on it for a hose to go to a
frame rail or something?

Steve (scratching head over British engineering)

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: drmayf<mailto:drmayf at mayfco.com>
  To: steve wick<mailto:srwick at hotmail.com>
  Cc: 'tigers'<mailto:tigers at autox.team.net>
  Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2008 7:35 PM
  Subject: Re: [Tigers] Rear end colors

  And quite frankly the glyptal I have is
  not the same color as what is supposed to be on the rear end. Plus, I do
  not know why they would put it on the outside as the stuff was made to
  go inside transformers and such because normal paint failed in oil
  filled ones. So I looked at my spare rear end and it is stock and it is
  not the same color. More like a read lead primer.   But whatever...


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