[Tigers] Don Sesslar's Tiger at the SCCA Runoffs - YouTube

MWood24020 at aol.com MWood24020 at aol.com
Tue Aug 12 21:09:51 MDT 2008

Great find...amazing what turns up on the 'net. 
Thanks for lending a little background/context, Buck. For some reason, even  
though I was brand new to this world during the era of sports car racing  
depicted, I've always gravitated towards the mid to late '60s road racing  
cars...the Tiger content is very cool, but there's just so much more to see  on this 
Thanks again for posting, Steve. 
Mike Wood
In a message dated 8/12/2008 5:01:45 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
BuckTrippel at Verizon.net writes:

I had  given up hope of ever seeing videos of either of the those factory  
supported Tigers, much less both of them in the same race. Steve, great  job 
finding this for us!

What's confusing about this video is that  the last minute of it shows the 
first minute of the race. The next part of  the race is seen in the first 
part of the Video.

The run group is  combined Ap and Bp. It looks like a standing start and Jim 
Adams, driving  the HSC Tiger, passes the camera (located about 300 yards 
down the track)  in 5th, mainly trailing Ap race cars. Don Sesslar, who had 
to start dead  last in the Sports Car Forum Tiger due to not running during 
qualifying  (caused by a "misunderstanding" between Rootes and Doanne), 
passes the  camera just as he was moving up 3 or 4 places. Then in the next 
shot,  about 13 cars pass before Don's Tiger pulls off the track and onto the 

This was the race where the two quickest Tigers were  "punted" out in the 
first lap. There's a story I've heard from 3  completely different parties 
that Chevy gave/rewarded the driver of the  Stingray that nailed the 
Hollywood Sports Car Tiger a new Vette as well as  a new pick-up truck in 
time for the next race season.

Before seeing  this video, I had no idea about how extensively both Tigers 
were damaged.  At about 1:30 into the video there's a shot of Don's Tiger on 
the grass.  It took a big hit on the right front. At about 5:40, what appears 
to be  the HSC Tiger, passes the camera. It looks like there's so little left 
of  the HSC passenger door after the "accident" that you can see Jim Adams 
lap  as he drives past the camera.

Buck  Trippel

>>  http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=AsL_W7I5OlA
> The video  also shows the HSC car.. and looks to have had a hit on the
> drivers  side. You see it leaving the grid at 5:12 (seems to be wearing
> number  7) and then see it drive past before the SCF tiger goes off at
> 5:30  then you get a ncei nice close-up drive by at 5:40!  if only
>  there was sound.
> -- 
> Regards
> Michael  King
You are subscribed as  mwood24020 at aol.com

Tigers at autox.team.net


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