[Tigers] Holley Question

Randy Smith RSSmithIQ at cs.com
Tue Aug 12 16:17:34 MDT 2008

About a month ago I posted the following question:

/"Ok, so I'm too lazy to do the research on my own, but everyone is so 
helpful, you make it too easy to ask...... I just installed an F4B and 
new Holley 0-1848-1 (465 cfm). The car idles very well and runs at all 
RPM's pretty strong. The only issue is when you hit the gas quickly. 
Then it stumbles. If you tickle it a bit, it picks right up and goes 
quickly and strongly up through the RPM's to redline. Sounds like an 
accelerator pump adjustment of some sort????? Timing and advance appears 
to be right on. Checked for vacuum leaks too, and everything looks OK. 
Any suggestions on tweaking the carb?"
Just to follow-up, the car now runs super-good.  I took it over to my 
local drag-racer mechanic who has lots of experience with Holley's.  He 
told me to go buy a Holley spring kit for the secondaries and a ramp kit 
for the accelerator pump, because we would likely need to try some 
different combinations.  As it turns out, it was even simpler than 
that.  The first thing he checked was the float level in both bowls.  
Remember that this was a NEW Holley 1848, right out of the box.  The 
front level was low.  The rear level was beyond low.  We readjusted both 
to the correct factory spec.  Then he checked the actuator rod for the 
accelerator pump.  It was adjusted much too long to the point that it 
was only giving a partial stroke during each pump.  He adjusted it 
shorter to give a full stroke.  DONE.  That was it.  No need for any 
additional parts.  It idles, runs and accelerates fantastic now.  
Another lesson learned.  Double-check the factory settings too!  Hope 
that might be helpful to someone else out there.



Randy Smith
34752 Charles Town Pike
Purcellville, VA  20132
540-668-6253 fax

InnerQuestOnline.com <http://www.innerquestonline.com/>
RSSmithIQ at cs.com
Tiger- B382000189

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