[Tigers] today on the new engine

CoolVT at aol.com CoolVT at aol.com
Sun Aug 10 17:21:41 MDT 2008

I was out today trying to get some miles on the new engine.  I  have probably 
done about 250.  I was on a  country road  today and missed a turn. So, I 
pulled into a driveway, began backing out  and the whole car got surrounded in 
smoke. I was in the middle of the road near  a curve  and knew I had to at least 
get off the road.  I pulled ahead  in a cloud of smoke, glanced down at the 
oil pressure gauge and it was at zero.  You can imagine what was going through 
my head. I pulled ahead 50  feet, shut the engine off and coasted down a hill 
to a parking area in front of  a restaurant. Upon lifting the hood I 
discovered everything covered in  oil.  
  There was no sense in checking the dipstick because with oil  all around 
and on the ground I knew I had lost plenty and also knew whatever it  was I 
couldn't fix it there.  I called AAA for a flatbed and they got me  the 35 miles 
    I got thinking that the engine had been  running great with no strange 
noises so it couldn't have blown a hole anywhere.  I had the car on the lift 
yesterday so I knew that nothing was leaking.   There are just very few external 
places where this engine can leak.  Maybe  the oil pan seeping or something, 
but not a real leak like this. I narrowed it  down in my head to 3 
possibilities...a  loose or leaking oil filter, a  leaking oil pressure sending line or a 
loose or lost drain plug.
    When I got home the first thing I did was  reach down for the oil sending 
line...it was dangling!  It had popped off  the fitting at the engine end.
    So, lesson learned.  I had this  new plastic line that I had purchased 
last year from one of the  suppliers..either CAT or SS..can't remember which.  
Someone had written in  recently saying that we should never use the plastic 
one since a flexible  stainless model is available. Well, I figured I had the 
plastic one and the  original one had lasted 40+ years so...........  Of course 
with paying for  the tow I could have bought a few new metal lines.  I guess 
the advice  is...even if you have a new plastic one...throw it and get a metal  
    The good news is I doubt that any harm was  done to the new engine.  
After the car set for a while I checked the oil  level and it was only down about 
1/2 quart.  I can tell you that when a 1/2  quart is blown all over the engine 
and dripping on the ground that it looks like  about 10 quarts. At least my 
mind was eased in knowing that the engine had not  been running without oil.
    Sure hope that you all had a less eventful  day;-)
Mark L.

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