[Tigers] The Prince

Marc James Small marcsmall at comcast.net
Thu Aug 7 07:56:44 MDT 2008

At 09:51 AM 8/7/2008, Thomas Prager wrote:
 >Joe Lucas or, more accurately, the company bearing his name engineered
 >electrical bits for pretty much everything emanating from the UK, and the
 >notorious unreliability of Lucas components played a key role in tanking
 >British car industry in the early 1980s. Make the jump for "If Lucas made
 >guns, wars would not start," and other classics.
 >  a.. The Lucas motto: "Get home before dark."
 >  b.. Lucas is the patent holder for the short circuit.
 >  c.. Lucas - Inventor of the first intermittent wiper.
 >  d.. Lucas - Inventor of the self-dimming headlamp.
 >  e.. The three position Lucas switch - Dim, Flicker and Off.
 >  f.. The Original Anti-Theft Device - Lucas Electrics.
 >  g.. Lucas is an acronym for Loose Unsoldered Connections and Splices
 >Many more, along with some funny graphics, at Mez.co.uk.

You folks have clearly never dealt with Bosch
stuff contemporary with our cars of
interest.  Lucas was a LOT more reliable than was
Bosch.  And that Italian company -- Marelli? -- was even worse.


msmall at aya.yale.edu
Cha robh b`s fir gun ghr`s fir!

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