[Tigers] Tigers vs Alger Values

Steve Laifman SLaifman at SoCal.rr.com
Tue Aug 5 15:27:56 MDT 2008

Steve Ralsten, and Tigers,

My $ 00.02 worth:

Although my own car is stock, with the exceptions of some LAT equipment 
and easily removed cooling features (originals in box), I think a number 
of points should be considered:

   1. For collectors, authenticity is paramount to value.
   2. The increasing value of the Tiger attracts fraudulent (meant to
      deceive) resellers.
   3. Even at American Muscle Car Auctions (like Mecum ref:
      http://www.mecumauction.com/ ) There are frequent "Tribute" cars
      that are not as badged, but being sold as replicas at a greatly
      reduced price.
   4. Fraud is prevalent, and often not revealed at auctions, EBay, Car
      dealers, etc.
   5. Sometimes known to the seller, sometimes not.

Since it is prevalent, and I (for one) object to being the target of 
fraud, misrepresentation, etc. are greatly interested in "provenance" so 
money is not spent for deception, or ignorance.

"Ne Caveat Emptor"  (Buyer Beware) is always applicable because nobody 
likes fraud, misrepresentation, or non-full disclosure.

It's your money, though.  Would you like a nice Cobra for less than 10% 
of the going market rate?  How about a Ford GT40?  ;-)


Steve Laifman
Editor - TigersUnited.com

sralsten at ca.rr.com wrote:
> <---- snip ---->
> How can the Tiger owners as a group be so concerned about authenticity  when so few leave their cars stock ? How can putting a 260 in an Alpine be such a big deal when people buy "real" Tigers and change them beyond all recognition ?
> How does it remain a "real" Tiger with 4 wheel discs, 5 spd, 302, AC, non stock paint, non stock wheels, alternator etc etc etc ?
> Now I don't want to make a bunch of enimies with this but the post I respond to
> asked for thoughts. Mine are from someone with only months of Tiger knowledge who wants badly to own a car but does not yet. As said I find the "correctness/modification" issue to be quite off-putting.
> Steve Ralsten

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