[Tigers] Engine ID

Buck Trippel BuckTrippel at Verizon.net
Fri Aug 1 14:04:01 MDT 2008

With all the recent talk about SBF engine IDs I noticed one of the list 
consulted  Bob Mannel's book on Small Block Ford Engines, which I want to
comment on. It's the best book I've run across about our SBF engines.
I've relied on my copy for years.Besides the basic engines, it also covers 
mounted accessories from fans to oil pans. It starts with the 221 and 
finishes with
the 1969 model year.

Unfortunately the book was costly - I think I paid around $60 dollars for 

I noticed it's on sale now on his web site for $35 plus $5 shipping. I wish 
deal had been around when I bought my copy.


Buck Trippel

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