[Tigers] Tiger Conversion

William Lau mrlau at charter.net
Mon Apr 21 16:28:26 MDT 2008

This is a small part from an article about Al Gore being dissed by animal
activists on Fox News web page today.  From now on anytime we drive our
Tigers hard we need to eat a banana, peach or orange. No hamburgers or hot
dogs unless in your Prius.  -- Bill --

(((((A recent report published by the United Nations determined that raising
animals for food generates about 40 percent more greenhouse gas emissions
than all the cars, trucks, ships and planes in the world combined.

"Livestock are one of the most significant contributors to today's most
serious environmental problems," said Henning Steinfeld, chief of the Food
and Agriculture Organization's Livestock Information and Policy branch and
senior author of the report. Urgent action is required to remedy the

In the future, there will be those who will look at our cars and wonder 
"What were they thinking?"  We owe it
to future generations to not only stop the gross pollution caused by our 
Tigers but also to take them off the
road and preserve them.  It seems to me the ecologically correct 
procedure is to donate our Tigers to an auto
museum so that they can be preserved.  You can then take the tax write 
off and put it toward a crotch rocket.
They use very little precious gasoline and there would be no sacrifice 
in performance.  Does Norton make a


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