[Tigers] heater core installation
Peter Laurinaitis
laurin212 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 21 12:51:40 MDT 2008
oops, let me clarify one thing, i am looking for the entire rubber assembly
that connects the blower to the heater core box, not just the duckbill
--- Peter Laurinaitis <laurin212 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> quick questions (didnt find an answer on TE/AE site):
> (1) when re-assembling the heater core, what kind of gasket/stripping do
> folks
> use to plant the core down against the base of the "box", silicone rubber for
> heat resistance? can seem to find the right stripping, preferably
> self-adhesive. should the stripping run around the bottom hole, and also up
> the back and top of the core (like in the diagram on SS web site)?
> (2) for the rubber duckbill piece - is it best to install this part from
> within
> the car, or from the box the heater core resides in?
> (3) anyone hanging onto a spare duckbill they'd be willing to sell, mine was
> cracked, hardened and shredded from the arizona heat
> thks!
> peter
> Peter Laurinaitis
> peter.laurinaitis.wg02 at wharton.upenn.edu
Peter Laurinaitis
peter.laurinaitis.wg02 at wharton.upenn.edu
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