[Tigers] Tigers Hydrogen Fuel
William Lau
mrlau at charter.net
Fri Apr 18 18:02:00 MDT 2008
I had a friend with a 69 Jeep Commando Wagon years ago and he ran it on
propane. We used it to go on a hunting trip in 1970 and everything worked
OK but the tank was huge and he got less than half the mileage with propane.
He filled it from his house tank so it was cheap but on the open road it was
hard to find and expensive. The tank filled up the entire space in the
The figures for oil in ANWR vary a lot depending on whether the person
giving them is a tree hugger or a realist. -- Bill --
I think I remember seeing something about how all the oil in ANWR would
cover Americas needs for about 6 months and take something like 6 years
before coming online. I could have the time frames wrong.
Rather see more conservation and less tearing up the landscape.
Best Regards
David Sosna
P.S. I agree--there's no free lunch, though at one time I thought about
trying to convert my Tiger to Propane. We do seem to have a lot of that
here in the U.S.
William Lau wrote:
> There is no free lunch and all of this talk is moot
> when we have oil in ANWR province and off the coast of our country and all
> we have to do is go get it. -- Bill --
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