[Tigers] throttle peal lever clamping (or slipping)

Stephen Waybright gswaybright at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 8 19:17:56 MDT 2007

I have a chronic case of the throttle pedal "adjustable" lever
slipping. I made the clamping slot ever so slightly bigger (with
dremel) to make sure that the clamping bolt could in fact clamp down on
the throttle shaft before the gap bottomed out, but still, no matter
how much I try to torque the clamping bolt, the pedal simply slips
rather than move the throttle cable. Any ideas? Has anyone engineered a
better clamp-on lever? Seem like a billet piece with a set screw into
the shaft would be a better design???

Stephen Waybright
Disabled 65 Tiger Mk-I (unless I reach under the dash to pull the
throtle cable by hand)

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