[Tigers] True statistics?

Tigerman Tigerman67 at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 31 13:21:06 MST 2007

I have no idea how accurate those particular statistics are, but I can tell 
you I peeked at some statistics that my small town in Colorado (at the edge 
of a larger town) police put out, I don't remember the exact statistics, but 
I noticed a very large number of people that were sited for driving without 
a valid  license, or insurance or registration violations.  So if you 
changed the wording from AND to OR, the 47% seems more realistic, as they 
were add on tickets for some other stop, and at least one of the 
license/registration/insurance paperwork wasn't right.

After thinking about why so many people were sited for those charges, I 
think the answer is that they were pulled over for something, and in the 
basic stop, they check license, registration, and insurance.  I have known 
many people that have accidently let their drivers license expire, and they 
don't normally find out unless they try to rent a car, or someone notices 
when looking at id when cashing a check.  Also have known people that have 
had their speeding ticket not paid for what ever reason, and the state 
suspends your license, and you may or may not get the written notice of 

Also In my state, the officer MUST write you a ticket if you can't show 
CURRENT insurance card, frankly I usually have several old insurance cards 
in the car, but sometime the current one is sitting on the kitchen table 
waiting to go into the car, in which case I would receive a ticket, even 
though this state has implemented an electronic registration system that the 
officer can normally electronically look up either registration or 
insurance, but if you can't show the Insurance card, you get a ticket. 
Also, you can get a ticket if you forget to sign your registration (on the 
back in my state).

So add those all together, it is a revenue cash cow for the department to 
write the extra ticket rather than give warnings.  I also noticed the time 
of day on many of the stops, and sometimes you will see someone got a 
driving without valid drivers license at 1:45 in the morning, no other 
charges.  Well looks like the cops did a fishing expedition for DWI, and 
didn't find it, but did ding the person for something wrong with the 


> To you people on  the left coast.  I read the following.  Can it be  true?
> Mark
> 47 % of cited / stopped Drivers in California have NO  License, NO
> Insurance, and NO Registration for the  vehicle of that 47 %,  over  92 % 
> were ILLEGAL

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