[Tigers] CASTROL SYNTEC 20W-50-a highzinc formula specially engineered for classic engines.

Tiger Man Tigerman67 at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 25 17:30:48 MDT 2007

When I was in the Army almost 20 years ago, they relied on Oil Analysis to 
deteremine when to change oil in thier big diesel trucks as well as the 
tracked vehicles which have capacities in the multiple gallons.

I recently started doing oil analysis on my vehicles at home, it can give 
you a good idea if there is a problem developing inside or not.  You can 
also use it for determining extended oil change.  Normally the basic oil 
analysis can tell you how high the contamination level is that might point 
out if you have an air filtration problem or some specific part wearing out 
inside the engine, it will also tell you things like boiling point (fuel 
contamination), and its current viscosity vs rated visocity ( viscosity 
breakdown)..  They also have a suplimental test that can tell you how much 
is left of your additivites package that can be useful to determine when it 
is time to change your oil (if either contaminates gets high or additive 
package gets low, its time to change).

Anyway, I use blackstone labs for my analysis, and like them because they 
send me the bottles and packaging, and when i do an oil change, I send it 
in, and i get a custom evaluation of what the analysis means as well as the 
absolute numbers.

So doing oil analysis at least a few times might get you a better idea of 
how long you can go without changing the oil.


> Ok I have a question for those that have used Synthetic for Diesels in a
> Diesel
> What kind of intervals were you changing the oil?  I am going to purchase 
> a
> new 08 Super Duty with Twin Turbos on it.  Now these new trucks don't
> measure the oil in quarts it's in Gallons these days.  It takes like 15 
> qts
> or something stupid like that each oil change.  I thought I might run
> synthetic in my new truck - comments?

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