[Tigers] engine fan location sand size

michael king michael.s.king at gmail.com
Sun Oct 7 01:56:44 MDT 2007

What size was the original Tiger engine fan? how far was it mounted from the
face of the block?

I have a ford motorsports 302 crate motor with alloy pulleys, i was taking
some dimensions to change over the existing plastic flexi-fan for a steel
one (the famous BON one) however, it seems that the plastic fan is only 12"
and very close to the steering rack, the 15" would surely hit the rack. I'm
wondering if the alloy pulley is moving the fan closer to the rack than
stock? Perhaps my engine is sitting lower than stock? I have heard people
raising the engines in these to solve issues of fan/rack clearence, but
surely not a large amount, Any thoughts?

pics of engine bay:


Michael King

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