[Tigers] Paint Codes Request

Paul R. Breuhan prbreuhan at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 3 07:48:54 MDT 2007

Greg & Rick,
"JumpinJan" on the Sunbeam Alpine website sells paint chips...


According to JumpinJan...There are no Rootes color codes & formulas made for
the new paints sold today.

The colors look to be shot on old CDs, which should be big enough to for you
(or your shop) to take to a paint store and match the color. I bought Arctic &
Polar White from him.

Also supposedly there is a place in Wisconsin that can help...Tower Paint...a
few people on the SAOCA forum have bought paint that was put into spray cans
from them.


> Hi, I'm looking for paint code to help me with #19>>> Moonstone white/gray.>
Or how about some real paint chip colors to match it> up. Where can I get it?>
Thanks for any information.> > Greg with a 1965 Tiger since 1982

> > Took some parts to the shop to be painted and they> > wanted to know if I
had the> > paint code, I guess they mean the Du Pont code or> > whatever. So
question is:> > does anyone know what the paint code is for Rootes> > code #58
Midnight Blue> > Rick Kellett > > Email - rick.kellett at yahoo.com
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