[Tigers] ...body modifications...

Bill Martin tigerfixer at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 14 21:17:21 MST 2007

--- Ross <ross_hulse at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> Factory body colors.  Combinations of interiors were
> only available on the
> 947 cars and had limited options as you know.
 You could get a contrasting interior color on a 3820
 car, I have seen a black 1a with original tan
 purchased here and a white car with red interior plus
 another black car with red. Looks pretty neet in
 pebble GT. 
 If you check the BON he states that you could order 
 just about anything on a 66 if you were in Europe
 or did the fly-and-drive program, but they did ship
 some to the US and they are very rare.
 My two cents

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