[Tigers] Hard Top Corner Seals
Steve Laifman
SLaifman at SoCal.rr.com
Sat Dec 29 17:33:22 MST 2007
Tiger tops varied with model. The MK II model I purchased had "[" shaped channels riveted to the top. There was one across the back, two angled towards the side window, and one beneath the side window. The Mk I hard top had three stiff rubber pieces fitting across the back, and on each side. As the top flexed, ever so slightly, the rubber wears holes through the paint from movement scrubbing.
At the time, Sunbeam Specialties had the Mk II type one piece foam cored rubber. Just placing the "lips" inside the channels would allow a firm fit. It fits all the way around, and NON of the earlier design pieces of rubber should be used. The top and foam would move, relative to the body and NOT rub the paint, as the foam flexed. No adhesives required in the "[" channels.
For Belt and Suspenders, I used three pieces of "racing number, plastic cut to fit the top interface. Could be peeled off, if necessary, and replaced with new, If wear was objectionable. Turns a bit yellow after a few decades.
Great solution.
Steve Laifman
Editor, http://www.tigersunited.com/
gharlowe at comcast.net wrote:
> <----- snip ---->
> Is the weather strip supposed to wrap continuously, and are the corner
> channels supposed to be there? Are the new-type corner pads mounted using
> the old triangular plates? Do the corner pads overlap with or butt against
> the surrounding weather strip?
> Thanks in advance for your help...
> Cheers,
> Graham Harlowe
> B382001466
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