Steinman, Bill
wsteinman at pogolaw.com
Mon Aug 27 12:06:34 MDT 2007
InterCity. Ask for Bob Sellers. They are the best in the business, bar none. They ship cars for my father (a professional restorer) all the time. More than half their fleet goes to Pebble Beach each year. And they shipped the Duesenberg Mormom Meteor that one best in show at Pebble. They've also shipped my Tiger and my MGC. They will take care of your baby.
----- Original Message -----
From: tigers-bounces+wsteinman=pogolaw.com at autox.team.net <tigers-bounces+wsteinman=pogolaw.com at autox.team.net>
To: tigers at autox.team.net <tigers at autox.team.net>
Cc: Alpine Discussion List <alpines at autox.team.net>
Sent: Mon Aug 27 13:00:07 2007
Hi Sunbeamers - I may need to ship a car from Albany NY area to south AL. I
would appreciate any recommendations. Thanks Ed
wsteinman at pogolaw.com
Tigers at autox.team.net
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