<html><head></head><body><div class="yahoo-style-wrap" style="font-family:arial;font-size:16px;"><div><br></div><div><br></div><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false"><div><p class="ydpefcbff40MsoNormal" align="center" style="text-align:center"><b><span style="font-size:18.0pt;line-height:107%">2025 New SMRS Lead</span></b></p>
<p class="ydpefcbff40MsoNormal" align="center" style="text-align:center">1/11/24</p>
<p class="ydpefcbff40MsoNormal"> </p>
<p class="ydpefcbff40MsoNormal">I am very happy to announce that Tom Wilcox will carry the
torch of the Sprite Midget Race Series as the lead.<span> </span>Tom is the perfect person for the job
demonstrating his leadership from his Co-Chairmanship of Blackhawk Farm Race
along with his background in Program Management will make him the perfect
leader.<span> </span>Please lend your support to Tom
like you did for me.</p>
<p class="ydpefcbff40MsoNormal">This group is a democracy with some ground rules that were
started by all of us.<span> </span>I know the future
can be even better with Tom’s Leadership.<span>
</span>Like all organizations there are pros and cons to any situation, but through
compromise the majority should be met.</p>
<p class="ydpefcbff40MsoNormal">I would like to leave some heritage of why the SMRS was
started in 2012.<span> </span>A couple years before SMRS
was started VSCDA was questioning if they could continue as a private club realizing
they were paying more for race weekends than they were taking in due to lower
race entrants.<span> </span>I thought we could improve
that situation increasing Spridgets race attendance with a Race Series similar
to what VSCDA’s Vintage Formula Vees (VVV) had in place.<span> </span>We were excited before this time to have 5
Spridgets at an event, last year we averaged over 19 cars per event with 36 at
the Road America Healey Challenge thank to Jim Donato’s dedication.<span> </span>VVV provided an outline of their process, which
we adapted as a prototype and modified to fit our needs over the years.<span> </span>More recently we have had larger numbers when
compared to VVV.<span> </span>The ultimate was at the
Sprite 60th in 2018 at Road America where we had 47 racing Spridgets.<span> </span>The inaugural SMRS started at Gingerman with
a group pic seen below.<span> </span>I will send an
update of SMRS Rules / Regulations and races scheduled for 2025 in January,
which will conclude my responsibilities as lead.</p>
<p class="ydpefcbff40MsoNormal">Enjoy a Spritely Life!!!</p>
<div>Stan Mason</div><div><br></div><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false"><img title="Inline image" alt="Inline image" src="cid:89889c8f-0f92-f85d-6c19-ce5d69f48517@yahoo.com" class="yahoo-inline-image" draggable="false" style="max-width: 356px; width: 50%;" data-id="<89889c8f-0f92-f85d-6c19-ce5d69f48517@yahoo.com>"><br><span></span><br></div>
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