<div dir="auto">Has anyone bought a convertible top for their Bugeye recently? About 15 years ago I bought a top from Little British Car Company for my 60 Bugeye. They get their tops from a manufacturer in the UK. After installation the front top bow, when extended, did not fit in the "pocket" sewn in the top making the it loose and look deflated. See the pictures below. One picture shows the top looking deflated with the front bow fully extended. The other picture shows the front bow pulled back a little positioning it in the sewn fold (pocket). If the pocket is under tension, the front bow will pop our place when I hit a bump or pothole in the road. Then the top becomes loose and flaps in the wind. In the past when I canvassed this list the top bows extended measured out the same as everyone else's. I recently bought a Robbins top from Moss and could not fit it. No matter if it sat in the sun for a while to relax the vinyl or not, it was too small. I could not even get close to getting the front bar under the windshield lip with the front bow folded back and the top bows retracted into themselves on both sides to relieve tension. The top was a full inch to inch and a half away from the top of the windshield. It leaves me wondering where to get a correct fitting top now. Where did you buy your last top?<div dir="auto">Mike MacLean</div></div>